
Want to swim or dive for Andover?

Coach David Fox welcomes inquiries from student-athletes who are interested in joining the Andover Swimming and Diving program.

For those interested in Diving, we welcome both experienced and inexperienced divers—particularly anyone with experience as a gymnast, vertical skateboarder, trampoliner, freestyle skier, or similar activity.

For those interested in Swimming, given the high number of inquiries we receive each year, we ask that you review the information on this website, including the information provided under “Coaches,” “News,” and “Records.” In addition, interested student-athletes are encouraged to explore the various content on Andover Aquatics, an unofficial website that contains information about the history of the program, the All-Time Top 20 in each event, and a comprehensive list of team records.

While you may have already completed a general form of inquiry from our Athletic Department, please complete the form linked from the button below.

Thank you for your interest!