John Roberts
Head Coach
St. George's
Map to Snyder Center, AndoverNEISA
Instructional squash and informal play are the focus of the fall and spring sports seasons, but mid-November marks the beginning of the interscholastic squash season. Each of our six competitive squash teams is comprised of eight to ten players. Teams compete in dual or tri matches against other schools until the New England Interscholastic tournament in late February. Varsity matches count for National rankings, as do results in the US Squash National High School Championships. We consistently field strong teams in the Northeast, and we schedule the most challenging opponents available. Andover squash players often go on to compete for college teams, and many pursue squash as a life sport. Last year teams at Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown, Stanford, MIT, and Middlebury had Andover alums in their varsity lineups.