Charles “Trey” Brown ’12
Head Coach
The football program at Andover is a well-respected program with a rich history. Many of the program’s alumni have gone on to play college ball, and a few have even entered the professional ranks as both players and coaches. One of the program’s great traditions is its rivalry with Phillips Exeter Academy. The two schools have competed on the football field for more than 100 years, making it the longest and oldest continuing prep school rivalry in the country.
Coach Brown recently finished his 5th year as the 6th Head Football Coach at Phillips Academy Andover. Coach Brown was an assistant coach during his first two years at Andover under Coach Leon Modeste and also completed a PG year at Andover in 2012.
Huriel Calice ’23 carries the ball for Big Blue.
The four football values of our program help develop our players into selfless, hard-working, and mindful student-athletes who have a "we-not-me" mindset.
“Non Sibi” / Selflessness
'Putting your team first.' Don’t strive to be the best on the team, strive to be the best for the team. Prioritizing football (after family and academics) and doing what you need to do on and off the field when no one is watching.
We are nothing without one another so encouraging one another, holding each other accountable, and always putting your best foot forward is key to growth as a team. Communication is vital in a family so having an open line of communication with your coaches and teammates is important. "We-not-me" mindset. Put the pride aside and support your team.
Coming to each and every practice ON TIME to get better. Be contagious with the positive, upbeat energy you bring all the time. Play until the whistle blows.
Respect yourself, your opponent, and your teammates no matter what the situation is. We win as a team. We lose as a team. We are the team.