Christien Merritt '21 (Montclair, NJ) gathered with his mother, friends, teammates, and coaches in the Title IX room of the Snyder Center at Phillips Academy on November 12, 2021 to celebrate the signing of his NCAA National Letter. of Intent (NLI)* to accept a scholarship and continue his soccer career at Bryant University.
"We are pleased to recognize Christien today. Of course, no one achieves anything alone, and thus, we equally celebrate his family, coaches, friends, and teammates who played important roles in Christien’s achievement."
- Lisa Joel, Director of Athletics
Merritt made his decision to attend Bryant on National Signing Day (Nov. 10th) but had an away game and was not able to receive his letter and join his fellow classmates in time for that day's ceremony.
*Please Note: The NCAA Division 1 Ivy League and United States Service Academies do not participate in the NLI program, nor do NCAA Division 3 institutions. In addition, many Andover student-athletes receive merit-based scholarships and are recruited to join teams at their colleges and universities. The Phillips Academy Athletic Department plans to gather and celebrate the accomplishments of all of our non-NLI student-athletes in the spring.
Merritt's boys' soccer teammates joined him to celebrate.