GXC Runs Away from Choate for the Win
The Andover girls' cross country team traveled to Wallingford, CT to face Choate Rosemary Hall on Saturday, and taking the first three places, GXC raced to a strong win against the Wild Boars.
Anya Budzinski ('26) led Big Blue and raced to a great win and season's best time. The next two in were also from Andover: Chloe Song ('26) with a PR-tying performance and Zoe von Eckartsberg ('26), who battled well with Choate's #1 runner to run her own PR. Two rookies were next for Big Blue: Hannah Jung ('28) and Ela Budzinski ('28) took fifth and sixth overall and both PRed. Andover Varsity won, 17-43.
Other highlights of the day included PRs for Corrine Spade ('27), Yara Handschin ('27), Nafi Diagne ('26), Ibu Hada ('25), and Claire Bancroft ('28). GXC also saw season's best from Anya Budzinski and Tasha Bohorad ('26) and season debuts from Migyu Kim ('25) and Tayla Stempson ('27).
The Andover girls return to action on 10/11, which is a Friday, when they race St. Paul's, Austin Prep, and NMH at home in Andover.