Andover Falls to Exeter in Final Dual Meet of Year

On yet another eerily perfect Fall Saturday-- 52 and sunny with a light breeze-- Phillips Academy Girls Cross Country fell to Exeter 38-21.

Andover went into the race without two of the team's top five, and consequently they placed just one in the top 5 and four in the top 10, spelling their defeat. Although PAGXC's own Charlotte Whitehurst '22 claimed 1st place and both Caroline Empey' 22 and Emma Hagstom '25 ran faster on the home course than they ever had before, the team couldn't quite pull off an against-the-odds win.

PAXC looks forward to hosting the Division I NEPSAC Championship this coming Saturday on November 13, 2021. Nineteen schools and roughly 500 athletes will be competing on Andover's own home course that day. The Girls Varsity race will take place at 1:15pm, and the Girls JV race will take place at 2:40pm.