Andover Boys started off strong this Saturday against Choate. While Choate scores the first goal, PA wopo made a quick comeback with Sam Donchi ‘20 making the team’s first goal outside 5 meters. Boys WoPo made a whopping 7 goals in the first quarter, passing Choate 7-4. By the second quarter, Andover was taking the lead. We ended the second with a score of INSERT And with a minute left in the third, Mathis Weber ‘20 made a swift wing shot, landing the ball in the back of the net, followed by a scrappy push shot by Max Hunger ‘20. To end the fourth quarter, Brandon Garcia ‘20 scored his second goal of the season! In the end, BV Wopo triumphed, 20-10 W.
Sam Donchi (3): 3 goals

Max Hunger (7): 7 goals

Gregor Deveau (5): 5 goals

Theo Faugeres (4): 1 goal

Mathis Weber (2): 4 goals